Pets At Home
Pet and Home Sitting Service

Please take note: Click on the availabilty calendar link below, to check the dates we will be able to care for your pets or home! Check back often since the blocked dates may change!


Service Locations

Pet Sitting Service

Home Sitting Service


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Availability Calendar

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Adoption Page


Thank you for your interest in PETS AT HOME Pet and Home Sitting service. Our location has been in business for over nine years, catering to hundreds of family pets.

We offer in-your-home pet sitting, an alternative to "pet boarding", at a comparable rate. In-your-home pet sitting is less stressful for your pets and provides 100% peace of mind for you.

Whether you'll be leaving your pet for a long work day, a weekend trip or a lengthy vacation, you no longer have to worry about your pet's care.

Relax knowing your pets are in good hands with PETS AT HOME.

We are insured and reliable, offering references upon request.

This Web Page was created by Pets At Home.
The most recent revision was June 4th, 2007.
Copyright © 2010 Pets At Home. All rights reserved.