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Our Featured Pets Include:

E-mail us a photo of your pet(s) to be included in our featured pets page. Pets who have passed we label as Angel.

Lily and Angel Bear Cat Gebhart Cleo Gebhart Angel Thomas Gebhart Angel Percy Gebhart Kali Gebhart
Brownie is a very sweet American Pointer born in June. She loves taking walks and chasing leaves and her ball. Brownie and her family live in Troy and is waiting the arrival of Santa Dog! Madison is a three year old Golden Retriever who lives in Tipp City. Her nickname is Maddie Two Toys because she likes to retrieve more than one toy at a time. Angel Mei-Ling was a teenage Siamese cat who liked cuddling in her bed. She liked watching the birds from inside her house. Angel Sue-Chin lives with Mei-Ling in Troy and loves to sit on laps. You always know where Sue-Chin is because she likes to "talk". Angel Snoop was waiting to take a ride in her mom's Piper. She looked to the sky every time we walked her as if asking for a ride or expecting her mom or dad to fly in.
Mandy and Dottie await the arrival of Santa Dog. These cute girls love their mom and the great food she prepares. One of Santa's reindeer is missing! Oops, no she isn't, this is Winnie the Bassett hound, one of our Troy clients. "Maxter" as we call him is a friendly Yellow Lab who loves to walk and bring toys to us to play with. His real name is Max and he lives in Tipp City. Lewis is our 6 month old grand-kitty. He appeared on our daughter Nicole's deck one cold rainy night and she (taking after her mom) welcomed him in. Dutchess is our 2 year old grand-kitty. Nicole and her fiance Aaron adopted Dutchess from the Montgomery County Humane Society. She loves a lap to curl up on.
Cooper, a yellow lab lives in Troy. He is a happy-go-lucky fellow that enjoys the outdoors. Hannah, a black lab is Cooper's big sister. She obviously enjoys being "in front of the camera" Dottie, a yorkie who lives in Tipp City, is apparently enjoying some spaghetti for her birthday. Hallie is a yellow lab who lives in Troy. She's a perky girl who loves her walks up and down the street.

Sarah is a Tipp City Welsh Springer Spaniel and she will be 16 in January!

This is Gypsy, a Troy resident and sister to Mia and Tia (see picture to the right). She is relaxing in one of her very favorite spots, sunshine in the bay window.

Mia and Tia, Troy residents, are mother and daughter. They love to go for rides in the car!

This is Amelia and Piper (Piper is the one on the right...a new kitten). They reside in Michigan and belong to KayEllen's sister and brother-in-law. Piper shares the name of an airplane, since he lives on an airstrip and belongs to flying parents.

Here are Winston and Hershey, dressed for a party. They reside in Tipp City and are available to perform at your next function. They are real "party animals"!

Tony and Jessica playing Rollercoaster Tycoon on the computer. Tony likes to watch all the action on the screen. He's come a long way from a homeless, starving flea infested kitty with a painful abcess on his leg when Whitney and Jessica found him.

Montana is a fun loving Cocker Spaniel boy who especially likes playing in the snow and with any new toy! Brownie is a spry (and patriotic) 17 year old Cocker Spaniel living with Montana. Together with their family they live in Troy. Angel Libby loved her walks and was very loving, kind and gentle to all. She was one special girl! Here stand Bart and Freddie (the Golden) on a snowy watch of their Troy home.They love to play frisbee and ball and enjoy chasing after each other. Here is Molly (Molly the moose by anyother name). She is a recent addition to her Troy family.

Gracie is a Newfoundland who has many stuffed animal toys that she likes playing with inside and out. She lives with her sister Sydney in Tipp City Sydney is a perky girl who loves being outside with her sister Gracie in Tipp City Angel Kitty Girl was a dear gentle cat who lived with her mom in Vandalia. She was once a kitty of the month on the Troy Daily News calendar!

Fancy is such a pretty girl with a pretty purr-sonality to match! She, like her brother, Luke, lived at Tenth Life until her mom took her home to Vandalia.

Luke was rescued by the folks at Tenth Life Kitty Sanctuary in Xenia. Now he is happy to have a great "forever" home with his Mom and sister, Fancy, in Vandalia.

Angels We brought Bowser to our home as a playmate for Zola-the calico. In their early years, they played together and bathed each other. But Bowser would always end up chewing on Zola's ears. This photo shows them enjoying a nap together on our church pew at Christmas time. Bowser was the queen kitty for many years, keeping our cat household in order, according to her rulebook.

Angel Kent came to our house as a stray. At first we thought he was our neighbor's cat (named Kent); then we finally saw the two of them together. Because we thought our stray visitor was named Kent, we decided to keep the name, but revising slightly to anti-Kent. As shown in the photo, he loved sitting on the highest object, whether a truck cab, kayak, or a high piece of furniture.

Raja is the sister to Allie pictured at the right. She loves to be petted and enjoys following you wherever you go. In fact, she's what we call a "carry around" cat because she likes to be...well...carried around! Allie, Raja's sister, loves the long shaggy carpet in her house. We think she plays with her younger sister all the time...when no one is looking! But...she doesn't want you to know that.

This Web Page was created by Pets At Home.
The most recent revision was March 30th, 2008.
Copyright © 2007 Pets At Home. All rights reserved.